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My ribcage protrudes out from under pale skin
Decorated with dozens of dark moles.
My ex used to call me a Spinosaurus
Because each individual vertebra is
So prominent under my thin skin as I bend over
I look like that one dinosaur.
My papery skin is too delicate to 
protect myself from remarks like that.
Too fragile to cover up the bones that hold me together.
I don’t think they’re doing a very good job,
It feels like I’m falling apart. 
Mocha polka dots are scattered about the creamy
Organ that encloses the even grosser organs.
I guess even if my skin is thin at least I have that.
People always say I look like I’m skin and bones
As if it’s a bad thing. At least I have skin to
Cover up the bones, and I don’t have rolls
Of fat begging to burst out of this
Thin layering of tissue barely holding 
What little I am made of together.
I might be 100 pounds but 
I have cellulite and stretch marks too. 
What makes me so different from you? 

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